Thursday, February 27, 2014

How Will Your Property be Represented, Marketed...For Sale?

How Will Your Property be Represented, Marketed...For Sale?

HOW your Home is Presented to the Public Depends on:
  1. Your Realtor's Personal Standards
  2. Tools Readily Available to Your Realtor
  3. the Tools Your Realtor Actually Uses
  4. Your Realtor's Level of Skill-Knowledge-Ability to Utilize the Tools at hand to Produce Quality Marketing Materials
because Realtors are Independent Contractors. 


The image at the left is the first interior view online buyer-prospects see as they click photo #3, titled "Entry."  This is part of an actual marketing campaign for a rural property I found today while helping a buyer-client search for a home.

An economy-size box of d-CON rodent poison is front and center with what appears to be bleach tucked behind it.  Besides presenting a far-from-welcoming image of the home, it's not the "Entry."

This Sheboygan County Home is currently listed For Sale with a highly regarded Real Estate professional.

Days on Market with Same Realtor/Broker:  547 (2.27.14)

WHY does a seller allow their home to be represented like this for 547 days?  (The other marketing photos are horrible too; this one with dCON pictured takes extra special bad marketing to an even lower level.)  
  •  Perhaps Seller doesn't have access to the internet; if not computer savvy, it's possible Seller doesn't know where buyer-prospects look for homes online and if no one has demonstrated the active marketing campaign to them they may never know how they are being represented.
  • A slick-talking sales-person could be servicing the listing, who Sells the Seller, convincing Seller they are working hard and doing everything imaginable to procure a buyer but it is just a really tough market right now . . . they're lucky to have him/her . . . can you imagine how rough it would be with a less competent Realtor/Broker?
  • Sometimes a seller is too busy or too tired or too ill or too disconnected with the property to devote time into finding another Realtor. 
  • There are those who stick with whomever first listed the property for sale, thinking all Realtors are the same.

WHY would a real estate professional present poor quality images to the public or highlight subject matter that repels home-buyers?
  • "Horrible" might be the Realtor's skill level.  (sad . . . but seriously)
  • Perhaps the Realtor doesn't think today's home-buyers are influenced by online marketing materials so he/she posts photos taken while walking quickly through the property, not really caring how they look. 
  • There are those who focus on perpetually listing new properties for sale, leaving little time to devote to "new" or "improved" marketing efforts to sell those already listed for sale and launched into public circulation with all the company "minimums" in place last week, last month, last year, or 547 days ago.  It's about numbers for Realtors/Brokers adhering to this philosophy -- list as many as possible and some will sell.  
  • The Real Estate Professional must believe marketing materials like the photo above to be satisfactory.  When one's professional reputation, a sale, and client satisfaction are all on the line only that which meets or exceeds the Realtor's personal standards become part of the marketing package.

Seller is okay with the 547 day marketing plan of action or it would have been halted some 400 - 500 days ago.  Realtor is okay with the 547 day marketing plan and more of the same continues...  HOW will the house sell now, after 547 days on the market utilizing the same old plan?

If Marketing Skills critical to attracting home buyers to the property are lacking, the property sits without buyer interest, gathers more “market age” and eventually a bad reputation because Buyers assume extensive time on the market means hidden defects.  Sometimes, in cases like this, it’s “what” we see that is as much of a problem as “how” it is displayed.    The “how” and “what” a Realtor or Broker market can conjure powerful negative associations that inadvertently label a property like the one above, “rat house.”

A property becomes publicly known by how it's represented using professional marketing materials.

How will Your Home be Represented, Marketed . . . For Sale?

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